
with an exciting new sales technology.

And help lead a

a Local Zone Solutions
Partner Manufacturer

So, what exactly IS Local Zone Retail
and Local Zone Concierge? And how
are they going to make me money?

iPad based

Local Zone Retail and Local Zone Concierge are iPad based, in-store sales solutions for small retailers, put there in partnership with member manufacturers who want to sell more products.

It helps stores sell a wider range of products than they can fit on their store shelves.

iPad based

It’s the secret weapon small retailers need to fight back against
big-box retailers and online stores.


Where do you fit in?

As a Local Zone Partner Manufacturer,
you can sell more products and make serious money by offering ALL — that’s 100% — of your products for sale on the platform via your existing retailers.

Calculate your Potential Sales
as a Partner Manufacturer!

Simply enter the number of retailers you work with into the Local
Zone Income Calculator. Then enter, on average, how much of
your products are being offered via your retailers. Then find out
how much more you could be earning every month!

*Slide from left to right to calculate your earnings

Retail locations

Average $ amount of each order

Potential Earnings

$ 0.00
per month

*The calculation is approximate, the results are individual

Don’t miss out on this limited

We can only offer this Manufacturer Partnership opportunity
to a limited number of potential companies.


To see if you qualify, and to start significantly increasing your product sales!

Contact us today

With all of the challenges manufacturers
face in the 2020’s, you need to increase
sales any way you can

Local Zone Retail and
Concierge are here to help

Here are some of the challenges manufacturers
currently face, according to industry experts black line
group. Any of these look familiar?

1 COVID 19


  78% of manufacturers expect that the pandemic will have a financial impact on their business

  35.5% of manufacturers are facing supply chain disruptions


Finding and keeping labor

  Skilled workers are in high demand



Innovation can be expensive


Global Competition

Cheaper labor and other countries can squeeze costs

International trade regulations can be tough to navigate

Competition is harsh.

In the face of these challenges and more, imagine what being able to sell more… or ALL of your products … in each of your retailers could do for your bottom line.

Our game-changing retail solution
will make it possible

Local Zone Retail and Concierge are the retail sales solutions that are going to SAVE small brick-and-mortar retailers … and the manufacturers who supply them!

Small brick and mortar retailers are having a hard time

Big box stores and online stores can offer a wider variety of products, usually at lower prices. Small retailers simply don’t have the shelf space or buying power to compete.

These issues make life hard
for manufacturers

Manufacturers can only sell a fraction of their products to these smaller stores, missing out on untold sales opportunities. Think for a moment. What percentage of the products you make actually make it onto retailer shelves? How much better off would you be if you could increase that percentage?

Local Zone Retail and Concierge
are here to make life better for
manufacturers and small retailers

They’re iPad-powered retail sales tools that will help you:

Sell more kinds of products via your small retailers … perhaps ALL of your products

Sell more varieties of your products, i.e. colors, sizes, etc.

Launch new products faster and more conveniently

Update product information and pricing – INSTANTLY

Easily spotlight/feature selected products in stores

Run promotions and sales

Automatically add new products to your retailers’ store offerings

And more

It’s available in two formats:

1. iPad Enabled Sales Displays via Local Zone Retail

Manufacturers set up kiosks in retailers’ stores featuring a selection of physical products. An iPad lets customers shop from an even wider variety of products than what’s physically available. Shoppers pick what they want and pay for it at the store checkout counter or on the device. Then they can pick it up later in-store, or have it delivered right to their door.

2. Local Zone Concierge allows a store salesperson

to guide customers through a more personalized, iPad-enhanced shopping experience. Say there are three models of your product, like a dog toy, on the retailer’s shelf, but you actually offer fifteen models of the toy. A salesperson can use the iPad to show the customer all the models available. So, if the exact model they want isn’t on the shelf … you’ll still be able to sell a product–because all of your models will be available on the iPad. Imagine what this can do for your business!

Local Zone Retail and Concierge
are FREE for retailers to use

This makes it easy for you to convince them to adopt it.
Manufacturers pay modest monthly fees for the opportunity to
offer a wider variety of products to more retail customers.

Local Zone makes
manufacturers more competitive

Local Zone Retail and Concierge allow shoppers to access the
variety and selection that big box stores and online stores offer, or
even more, while enjoying the pleasant atmosphere and warm
customer service of their favorite neighborhood store.

This gives you an edge over your competitors by enabling you
to sell more products through retailers your larger competitors
may not be paying attention to. It can be the secret weapon
that helps you outperform manufacturers of any size!

How does Local Zone Solutions make money?

Local Zone charges a small commission on the retail price on every sale
made through its platform. It also charges manufacturers a modest monthly
fee for Local Zone Retail, and there is no fee for Local Zone Concierge.
What are the benefits of this system?

Manufacturers don’t have to change their wholesale prices to stay profitable while
selling through Local Zone. You’ll know how much you’re going to earn, up-front.
And retailers will make more money, all while making zero investment in
additional stock, and with no risk.

Generate more sales income using your
EXISTING relationships with retailers!

Local Zone Retail and Concierge represent
a “new playing field” in the retail industry

And as a Local Zone Partner Manufacturer, you’ll be among the
first companies to make it available to customers.

It will help you lower risks, and be more competitiveby diversifying your sales channels. This is your opportunity to open up a new retail channel, in addition to your existing wholesale business.

You’ll be able to offer your retail customers something no other manufacturer can: a tool they can use to take on the big guys … and make a LOT more money! This technology will help keep customers loyal, make them happy, and keep you from losing sales to the competition. This is sure to strengthen your relationships with retailers, because you’re offering them a resource other manufacturer’s aren’t.

And you’ll be selling more products via a new channel: small retailers with expanded, iPad-enabled selling capability.

Local Zone Retail and Concierge make
selling products easier!

The eye-catching, iPad-powered kiosks:

1. Give customers a fun, new way to interact with your products

2. Enable you to better educate customers about your products

3. Give you a place to test new products before you scale them up

4. Put a unique spotlight on your brand, improving awareness

5. Help you grab a bigger market share in your product category

Local Zone Retail and Concierge give you clear sales data.
Using the information you get about product performance, customer preferences, retail shopping patterns and more, you can create more effective growth strategies.

You can grow sales exponentially with Local Zone Retail and Concierge.
How? Share it with your distributors, and encourage THEM to sign on their retailers as well. Your products will spread into even more stores, with minimal effort on your part!

Local Zone is dedicated to YOUR success.
Because when manufacturers succeed, we succeed. Local Zone Retail and Concierge were developed in a collaboration between manufacturing and distribution industry veterans and world-class software developers.

In a fast-changing retail industry, you either
“evolve” or “die”

Let’s face it. Forces in retail have been conspiring to put manufacturers like you
and your small retail customers out of business for a long time.

Change is inevitable, and big-box retailers and online tech companies have
changed the landscape for good.

But you and your small retailer customers no longer have to just sit and take it


You can either die out like the dinosaurs…

Or evolve into something better, stronger and more competitive!

As a Digital Partner with Local Zone Solutions, you’ll be building your own small business within the larger business. Your network
of customers and the other partners you’ve recruited become your domain and a steady source of additional income


Local Zone Retail and Concierge are brand new, completely unique tools that will enable you and your small retailers to compete in this new landscape … offering the selection that consumers now demand, along with the personal service and neighborhood feel that only their stores provide.

Don’t be a victim of change any longer

And don’t let other companies beat you to the opportunity to sell in this completely new sales channel.
Embrace change and use it to your advantage … with Local Zone Retail and Local Zone Concierge.
Use the changes happening in this industry and the opportunity our solution provides to energize your career … and SUPERCHARGE your earnings!

Don’t miss out on this limited opportunity to get more control over your company’s success … and your income!

Hundreds of wholesalers and distributors have joined Local Zone Solutions this year and are already making more money. But we can only offer this opportunity to a limited number of companies in each region.


To see if you qualify, and to start significantly increasing your income ASAP as a Local Zone Solutions Wholesale/Distribution Partner!